I walked into a health food store with eyes red with tears and with desperation and determination to find the solutions to "fix" my son. As I searched the store, the supplements, the books, and asked for help, I was led to someone I consider a dear friend because she taught me a lasting lesson. As I explained the frustrations and problems we were facing with my son, she said something to me that I will never forget...
...she said..."you have been given a GIFT"...This statement completely caught me off guard...a gift? ...No, I had been given a problem, a struggle...BUT she said "gift". She continued to say that my son was a gift to me because I was now going to begin a "journey" for him and with him, where I would learn and grow so very much.
That statement changed my perspective. Up until that point, I had been diligently searching for a solution to "fix" my son. Now, although my searching didn't stop, my perspective changed to that of going on a journey.
I had always searched. Since the time my son was only 2 years old, I was continually SEARCHING for answers. That's one thing I can say for sure...through all the hard times...I never stopped searching. But now my search has turned into something bigger...a JOURNEY. The more I learn, the more I realize that it is a LIFE-LONG JOURNEY. And NOW, I'm no longer looking for ways to "fix" things, but rather, I'm looking for ways to make it a WONDERFUL, MEANINGFUL, LOVING, AND POSITIVE JOURNEY.
Now none of this changes the fact that the journey is at times, very hard...because that is the truth. This is a HARD journey, but it is also a journey of GROWTH, and a journey of LOVE.
She also said "I" would learn and grow...not "him". Now, that doesn't mean that he doesn't have anything to learn...because he does. But I will learn as well. In fact, I may very well learn and grow much more than him because the more I learn about this the more I realize that one of the greatest purposes of my son's life is for me and and my family to learn and grow because of him.
So this blog is for YOU, as you are on you own JOURNEY, I hope that something here will help you. I hope something I put in this blog may help at least one person the way my friend at the health food store helped me. If YOU are taking the time to look at this blog, then YOU must have been given a "gift" as well and I wish you the very best in your JOURNEY.
This blog is also for ME. As I continue my journey, I need a place to organize my thoughts, new information I find, etc. This is a great way for me to organize information as I learn and grow on my JOURNEY. In fact, when it is all said and done, this is probably more for me than anyone. A place for me to put something that I can come back and read later on. A place for me to write, when I need to say something. A place for me to REMEMBER all I am LEARNING on this JOURNEY.
And finally, this is for HIM...for my son. He is venturing on a JOURNEY of his own and hopefully, at some point in his journey, this blog will prove to be meaningful for him.
So...WHY this blog?...it is for YOU, for ME, and for HIM as we all JOURNEY on...and it is a HOPEFUL JOURNEY at that. For I know that there is always HOPE in this life because of my Savior, Jesus Christ. This I know for sure...I can always find HOPE as I turn to my Savior, Jesus Christ, for He brings HOPE to everything.
"Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come." D&C 68:6
are not alone on this journey. Your Heavenly Father knows you. Even
when no one else hears you, He hears you. When you rejoice in
righteousness, He rejoices with you. When you are beset with trial, He
grieves with you. Heavenly
Father’s interest in you does not depend on how rich or beautiful or
healthy or smart you are. He sees you not as the world sees you; He sees
who you really are. He looks on your heart. And He loves you because you are His child.
Yes, the
road has bumps and detours and even some hazards. But don’t focus on
them. Look for the happiness your Father in Heaven has prepared for you
in every step of your journey. Happiness is the destination, but it’s
also the path. “Peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to
come” is what He promises. That is why He commands us to 'be of good cheer.'
It is also my promise and prayer that as you honor and live true to the
covenants, the principles, and the values of the gospel of Jesus
Christ, at the end of your journey Heavenly Father will be there. He
will embrace you, and you will know once and for all that you have made
it home safely." -Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
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