"The best outcomes for people with Fetal Alcohol comes from making sure
they can. Ask yourself "Am I setting them up for success or failure?"` Jeff Noble
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
:) You are a Good Parent :)
"Behind every great person living with Fetal Alcohol, there is an even
greater caregiver. It's never by accident that people living with Fetal
Alcohol do well(even for 5 mins). It's because you do most of the work
and give them all of the credit." Jeff Noble

Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Remember...it's a BRAIN INJURY
"If we
are not bringing organic brain injury into the mix when planning for
someone with Fetal Alcohol, we get further away from appropriate
supports and thus further away from SUCCESS." Jeff Noble
provide ramps and elevators for people living with a physical
disability. We also need to provide 'ramps' for those living with an
invisible physical disability like Fetal Alcohol - by not doing so we
are robbing human beings of a quality of life they deserve." -Jeff Noble
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Notes and Quotes from "The Connected Child" by Karyn B. Purvis, PhD., David R. Cross, PhD., and Wendy Lyons Sunshine
When disciplining a special needs child, the fewer words the better.
Teaching Respect:
"Hold it. It is not ok for you to talk to me that way. Tell me what you need. And tell me with respect."
"Let me see those eyes...I love to see those eyes...you can say anything you need to say to me. If you think that I'm being mean, you can say that. If you feel angry, you can say that. Just say it with respect. Now tell me what you need."
Important lesson: your child can always say what he feels and he can always ask for needs and wants, but it all must be said appropriately.
The child may use behavior to communicate what he/she can't express verbally.
When you say "no"
*before he melts down, say, "wow that's a great job of accepting no"
*sandwich the "no" with positive comments
*praise immediately
If the child asks without respect, the answer will always be no.
general rules to live by:
*respond quickly
*don't get into a discussion
* use fewer words
*be instructive and corrective
I= Immediate response (to mis-behavior)
D=Directly with child (eye contact)
E=Efficient (least words)
A=Action based--actively directed re-do
L=Level your responses at the behavior, not the child
Rules of Connected families
A child may not dominate the family through tantrums, aggression, back talk, whining, or any other tactic.Parents meet all reasonable needs and requests. They say "Yes" whenever they can. Occasiionaly they allow a compromise and at times they say "No" and deny requests.
What we're dealing with...
the trust and caring needs of an infantthe independence needs of a two-year old
checklist (want to answer yest to all:)
is my approach playful and interactive?
do i show that i genuinely value my child?
do i alert my child to what's coming next?
do i enforce consequences consistently?
do i enforce consequences consistently?
do i mean what i say? do i follow through on my words?
am i responding to misbehavior within three seconds?
am i guiding my child through re-do's
do i let my child make choices and problem-solve?
do i make regular eye contac when i speak?
do i give my child my undivied attention?
do i give whole-hand, affectionate touches?
do i make affirming, warm, positive comments?
do i give my child my undivied attention?
do i give whole-hand, affectionate touches?
do i make affirming, warm, positive comments?
do i behave consistently?
do i facilitate joint problem solving with my child?
do i help my child self regulate and develop self awareness?
do i encourage my child to tell me his or her feelings?
do i help my child self regulate and develop self awareness?
do i encourage my child to tell me his or her feelings?
do i ask my child what he or she needs?
do i create a schedule that accomodates my child's fundamental needs?
do i simplify my life enough that I can give my child my attention?
"think it over" place...you sit near the child...they tell you when they're ready
Intercept with words (stop) and child stop his own behavior...success!
"It's not OK to talk to me like that. You can alwyas have your feelings, but you must always talk to me with respect. Try that again"
Play: let yourself be directed in play by your child...set timer for 15 minutes and give him your full attention.
Medication: can provide about 30% of the desired solution. Taking drugs for behavioral problems is similar to taking antidepressants when somebody you love dies. The medication acts as a short-term crutch, to help you get you through the really bad period. Drugs are a means of giving temporary support until the person can live without them.
Television, movies, electronic games: you need to increase the time your child spends with people and decrease the time he spends alone with machines, etc. An hour a day of TV, etc. is ok...but these things cater to short attention spans and you want your child to engage in activities that extend attention spans.
Medication: can provide about 30% of the desired solution. Taking drugs for behavioral problems is similar to taking antidepressants when somebody you love dies. The medication acts as a short-term crutch, to help you get you through the really bad period. Drugs are a means of giving temporary support until the person can live without them.
Television, movies, electronic games: you need to increase the time your child spends with people and decrease the time he spends alone with machines, etc. An hour a day of TV, etc. is ok...but these things cater to short attention spans and you want your child to engage in activities that extend attention spans.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
OK here is my latest and greatest idea for giving my son a consistent schedule:
*A simple, basic, spiral notebook.
*I write his schedule in the notebook...a few days to 1 week at a time.
*He can look at the schedule each day/week to see what is going on for the day, and prepare himself for it.
This is the best I can think of, thus far, to give consistency to my son's schedule. The problem and reality is that I can't just put up one schedule that will be the same day by day...our schedule changes a little each week, day, and/or month. That's why I've always been frustrated with putting up a daily schedule for my son...it seems I do it for a few weeks and then stop, with frustration, because the reality of life is that EVERY DAY IS NOT THE SAME!
So, I think the consistency comes in giving my son a sort of "planner".
That's how I schedule my life...so why not begin teaching him that life skill?
It starts with my writing the schedule in for him each day...but can lead into him writing and keeping a "planner" for himself.
I LOVE this new idea...if it actually lasts and works, then I will REALLY LOVE IT!
*A simple, basic, spiral notebook.
*I write his schedule in the notebook...a few days to 1 week at a time.
*He can look at the schedule each day/week to see what is going on for the day, and prepare himself for it.
This is the best I can think of, thus far, to give consistency to my son's schedule. The problem and reality is that I can't just put up one schedule that will be the same day by day...our schedule changes a little each week, day, and/or month. That's why I've always been frustrated with putting up a daily schedule for my son...it seems I do it for a few weeks and then stop, with frustration, because the reality of life is that EVERY DAY IS NOT THE SAME!
So, I think the consistency comes in giving my son a sort of "planner".
That's how I schedule my life...so why not begin teaching him that life skill?
It starts with my writing the schedule in for him each day...but can lead into him writing and keeping a "planner" for himself.
I LOVE this new idea...if it actually lasts and works, then I will REALLY LOVE IT!
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